Cubs Summer Programme 2020
Wednesday, 06 May 2020 00:00
14th Andover (Stockbridge) Cubs Summer Lockdown Programme 2020
Welcome to a slightly unusual term for cubs.
The Cub Team will be sending ideas and challenges for you either every week or every other week (depending on what they are). You do not have to do any of them. They are only there if you would like to do them and you have time. We know it is a hard time for all of your family, and everyone can be very busy and tired.
If you do make or try anything please do ask someone to take a photograph and send it to us. We would love to see your efforts.
Thank you cubs . At times like this its important to remember your cub promise and law.
22nd July
Dear Cubs
this is our final week of challenges this term. The end of our hopefully only lockdown term. We think most of you will have broken up for your summer holidays from school today if you haven't done already.
Keeping with our outdoors theme, our final few challenges to you for the week are as follows:
1. Be able to identify at least 6 different trees from their leaves and the shape of them. This is important to know for firelighting and also which trees are safe to camp under. If you know more than 6 types you are amazing (obviously)
We have attached a chart of some of the most common trees to help you.
2. Be able to identify at least 6 different wild flowers or plants. It is important you start to learn the most common plants around you. Again we have attached a chart to help you spot some of the most common ones. Please dont pick them , as they are starting to set seed soon, but if you spot any you know ask someone to take a photograph on their phone for you.
3. Now have any of you spotted the comet yet.?
If you are really lucky mummy and daddy might let you stay up late enough to have a look. It will be here till the end of the week. You need a clear sky and to go out about 11 O'clock in the evening. Find the plough (the saucepan) then follow the top right star of the pan part straight down, quite a long way. You will see a slight smudge in the sky with your eye, but if you look through binoculars you will see what Akela saw in the picture attached. You can see the tail points straight up.
4. Keep camping / building dens through the summer, remember the rules to be safe and if you are sleeping outside in the garden have a torch, keep warm and make sure you can get in if you need to. We love to see your pictures and we know all the leaders will be out sleeping in their gardens during the holidays.
As it's our last week we have to say goodbye to 3 amazing cubs. Martha and Otto are now too old for cubs, Martha is going onto scouts so will continue to see you there, Otto has changed school , and is playing a lot of sport so will be very busy, but we hope to see him occasionally still when we have drop off and pick up for his sister. Harry is moving to Cambridge. We will miss you all, you have all been brilliant sixers and we thank you for your help. Please don't forget us.
Fingers crossed we will all be back for cubs in September. Like school, it might have to be a bit different. We are busy making the hut safe for us all. We may also have to meet outside quite a lot, but that will be great fun and we are already putting our thinking caps on about all the activities we can do. We can't go back till the big Scout bosses say we can, but lets keep all thinking positive thoughts.
Have a lovely summer holiday cubs. We look forward to hearing ALL your stories when we come back next term. Be kind to the rest of your family, do your best, help other people and do a good turn every day.
Yours in scouting
Akela, Ikki, Hawkeye, Naag , Bagheera , Fox, Emily, Mr Harrison. Mr Weghofer
15th July
Dear Cubs
Hello , it's lovely to speak to you all as we are closing in on the end of school. Some of you finish today or this week and others next. We will do will one more week of challenges before your holidays.
Well done those of you that did the Great Indoors Weekender. We have enjoyed hearing your stories and we've attached a couple of photos showing what some of you got up to. It sounds great fun. Please let us know by the end of the week if you need a badge otherwise we will go ahead and order for the people who have already messaged us. I
t's great to see some of the creatures that you have been spotting in your gardens as part of the Wild Challenge and well done on our first Stag Beetle.
This week is a week of counting and identifying. We like cubs to be able to recognise the plants and creatures around them so our challenges this week, if you have time and would like to are:
The Big Butterfly Count 2020 . Last year over 100,000 "citizen scientists" took part helping us know how many butterflies and moths we have around us. Here is the link for the website
The official count starts this week and is between Friday 17th July and Sunday 9th August, but you can use the identification sheet at any time. Cubs should be able to identify at least 6 different butterflies by the time they go to scouts , but if you know more you are clearly brilliant! All of the ones on the sheet are regularly seen around here. If you are really lucky you might also spot a Purple Emperor, which we often spot at Pony Field .
The second thing we would like you to do is start to learn how to identify the birds in your garden. Again we have loaded up a sheet of the most common birds, and perhaps you could sit and count them for a 15 minute period of time. Cubs you should be aiming to learn to name at least 6 birds in your garden, again if you know more you are too are brilliant.
See you next week cubs, do your best, be kind and do a good turn every day.
Yours in Scouting
Akela, Ikki, Hawkeye, Naag, Bagheera, Fox, Emily, Mr Harrison and Mr Weghofer
Keep your photos coming!!
8th July
Dear Cubs
welcome to this week's cub challenges for you to try if you have the time.
We would like to challenge you to make a little raft or two from only natural materials. If they work perhaps you could make some stick people passengers to carry down a stream or across a puddle.
Collect sticks of roughly equal length. Tie them together using creeper stems or raffia (don't use anything that wont breakdown (biodegrade) naturally). The simplest designs tend to work best, but attaching a weight (like a stone) directly underneath each boat may help them stay upright.
Test how well your raft floats in some shallow water. If the raft are sturdy enough, make a couple more, line them up and let them go down a fast flowing stream. The one that arrives first is the winner.
Remember be careful around water. Work out how to do are planning to do things and then check with an adult first that your ideas are safe before you do it. Have fun making and playing and take some pictures if you have time. There are some great streams in Stockbridge, Longstock, Chilbolton and Wherwell but maybe you know others.
This weekend the Scout Association (HQ) is planning something called The Great Indoors Weekender. You can sign up here
Its a weekend of "digital camping" with lots of special guests. Its sounds like it could be great fun. If you take part let us know and we will order you the badge.
We miss you all cubs and are starting to make plans for when we can all meet again. Fingers crossed it will in September.
Be kind and try and remember to do at least one good turn every day.
Yours in Scouting
Akela, Ikki, Hawkeye, Bagheera , Naag, Fox, Emily, Mr Harrison, Mr Weghofer
1st July
Dear Cubs
welcome to week 10. Time is flying by now. So lets keep with our outdoors theme and keep working towards our Wild Challenge.
Here is a link from this years Springwatch TV programme about how to build 2 different types of bird feeder out of recycled things. The eggbox and peanut butter one looks particularly messy - so perfect for cubs.
The leaders have been enjoying watching the birds. Mr Harrison is a master of building bird tables to keep the squirrels off and has a blackbird he feeds cheese to every night. Akela enjoys watching the greater spotted wood peckers and nuthatches on her feeders and has a pheasant and 3,red leg partridges that come into her garden every night to be fed. Ikki keeps chickens.
We have also attached some pictures and instructions for how to make scavenger sticks. This is something we often make at camp They are a good way of making a natural memento of a walk or trip . They are great around a camp fire to tell a story.
If you have time send us some pictures of yours.
Have a good week cubs. Be kind to your friends and family, Do your best and Do a Good Turn Every Day
Yours in Scouting
Akela, Ikki, Hawkeye, Bagheera, Naag , Fox, Emily , Mr Harrison and Mr
24th June
Dear Cubs
this evening we should have been putting up the tents for cubs camp, in what looks to be a glorious weekend. Make sure you get outside and enjoy some of the weather, maybe fill a paddling pool, or have a water fight or slide, have a camp in the garden, cook some food over an open fire (check with an adult first and be safe) or make our solar oven project, which we would have been doing at camp. Hopefully you can all have a few icecreams too.
We can see you have all been busy, and have enjoyed all of photographs we have received. Thank you for sending them in.
If you would like to see pictures of last years summer camp you can go over to our website , or you can ask an adult to email us and request a link to our drop box and we can send you hundreds!!! and some drumming videos.
So this week, if you have time its make a solar oven to make some yummy camp treats, there is also a camp activity book you can do when you are tucked up in your sleeping bag. Here is the link, be quick the video will only be available for 1 week before we need to send a new link
Keep bug hunting, Be kind, do your best and do a good turn every day
Yours in scouting
17th June
Dear Cubs
Welcome to week 8 of this term. Maybe a few more of you are back in your schools now, joining the cubs who's parents are key workers?
We hope you have managed to make your father's day cards ready for this weekend.
This week we are continuing to focus on getting out and about, even if it's raining, just put your coats and wellys on and get out there.
We have attached part 2 of our Wild Challenge. Remember this is a national award so if you want your badge you need to send us some "evidence" of what you have been doing.
Related to that is the Stage Beetle Survey. See if you can spot any of these magnificent mini beasts. Once you've seen one you will be hooked. They are amazing looking creatures.
Finally this week is visit my mosque week. Some cubs might remember when we took the train to Basingstoke and met the Basingstoke scouts in the Mosque there. The link below tells you how you can book to "virtually" look around another mosque. This counts towards lots of badges, so let us know if you do it.
Have a great week cubs. Remember your Cub Scout Promise, Law and Motto. Try and do at least one good turn everyday and enjoy being out and about in your gardens and in the countryside.
Yours in Scouting
Akela, Ikki, Hawkeye, Baghera , Nag, Fox, Emily, Mr Harrison and Mr Weghofer
10th June
Dear Cubs
Here is your activity for the week. Normally this week we would be making father's day cards together. If you aren't seeing your dad at the moment, you can make this card for anyone you think would like it. That might be your grandad, a big brother, uncle or friend.
We have attached a picture of how the finished card should look and a template to be printed out on A4 paper. Cut out all the shapes. If you have material like we used. Pin each shape onto the material and then cut it out. If you don't have any material you could use coloured paper or colour in the template. Assemble your suit onto a piece of folded card and glue down the fabric or pieces of paper and then write your message inside.
Well done to those of you that have made a start on the wild challenge. Here are some pictures of insect homes and mini ponds that have been made already
We hope you enjoy making this card this week, and until we speak to you in Cubs next week "Be Kind and Have Fun".
yours in Scouting
Akela, Ikki, Hawkeye, Nag, Baghera , Fox, Emily, Mr Harrison and Mr Weghofer
3rd June
Dear Cubs and Parents
Welcome back to the second half of the summer term. A special hello to our new members joining us from the waiting list and beavers, we look forward to seeing you in person soon.
This term we should have been camping at the wonderful Pony Field for summer camp at the end of June. Akela and Ikki have both been camping in their gardens with their children over half term, and have attached photographs. Don't forget we have challenged you to sleep the night, somewhere other than your own bed, during our time away from each other. This can be a den or unusual place in the house or a camp out in the garden. Just don't forget to talk through your plans with your parents first, so you can all agree on how to keep yourself safe and have the most fun. Please do send us photographs or tell us about it so we can add these to your nights away totals. We are still planning our Autumn camp in the Isle of Wight for the weekend 13-15th November and we hope that we will all be able to get together in Pony Field when we go back to normal, to play even if we can't go camping there this year.
This term it's all about nature and we are going to start our Wild Challenge (Bronze) Award. You can select 3 of the 5 challenges to do over the next few weeks. 5 more will follow. You need to do 3 from each week and send us a record of what you have done, so we can submit it for your certificate. Take your time, there is no hurry to do any of this. Just enjoy being out in your gardens and surrounding countryside.
Cubs-booklet 5-Exploring-Nature
Have a good week cubs. Remember do your best and try and do a good turn every day.
Yours in Scouting
Akela, Ikki, Hawkeye, Nag, Baghera , Mr Harrison, Fox, Emily and Mr Weghofer
20th May
Dear Cubs and Parents
we all hope you are well and looking forward to half term next week. Hopefully the sun will continue to shine and you can start to carefully get out and about a little more (always keeping your 2 metre distance from people not in your household of course).
Here are some scouting ideas for you this week to try , if you have the time to. Remember these are just for fun. If you are too busy, don't worry.
Remember to try your hardest to be kind to other people and do your best. As it says in your cub scout law, try and do at least one good turn everyday.
Have a great two weeks.
Yours in Scouting
The Cub Leaders
13th May
Dear Cubs
All the leaders hope you are well and enjoying being outside in the sunshine, even if you havent been able to play outside of your gardens much. We hope home school isn't too hard and that you are trying your very best to be good for your parents.
This week we have a few challenges you can try if you would like, remember you can do as much or as little of these as you would like. While we love to see your photographs and hear all your news, we understand that you , and mummy and daddy are busy and there is lots of stuff you need to fit into the week.
So this week we have listed some ideas to get you started on your Personal Challenge, the Environmental badge and some more stuff on the International badge which also fits into the Our World Challenge.
We hope you have fun having a go .
Remember your promise and law Do your best, help other people and do a good turn every day.
We miss you all, but know we will see you all soon.
Yours in Scouting
Akela, Ikki, Hawkeye, Bagherra, Nag, Fox, Mr Weghofer, Emily, Mr Harrison
6th May
Dear Cubs and parents please find attached some ideas for cubs for the coming week. They are largely based around VE day.
Please find a link to a we transfer file for a VE activity file . You should be able to download the file for free you do not need to log into the whole programme
Food Challenge
There is a food challenge to see how you would cope with rationing. Some recipes from Akelas war time cook book for you to try if you're feeling brave!
Gardeners Badge
If you fancy showing us your green fingers.
Have a great week trying things. We are enjoying seeing your photos, but dont worry if you dont have time to do any of this.
Do your best cubs and we will see you soon
The Cub Leadership Team
29th April
During the time you are locked down at home , We would
Challenge you to:
Pitch a tent, make a bivi or den and sleep in it one night during the next few weeks
If you are short of outside space, could you make a den indoors and sleep somewhere different than your normal bed.
- If you don't have a tent you can make a good bivi with a piece of string or rope and a tarpaulin or piece of plastic or sheeting.
- If you have materials to make a natural bivi, even better the link below shows how to make both types.
- Make a cardboard box den outside or inside.
- You don't have to do this alone , you could be with your brother or sister , or even your parents if they are brave enough!
- Don't forget your torch
- Add a duvet on top of your sleeping bag, this will make sure you stay warm if you are outside
- Make sure you have a key or the backdoor is unlocked.
- If you are making a den inside with sheets or blankets, put a chair inside your den near your head so the den collapses you have free space round your head to breath.
- Have fun and please get your parents to post your pictures to us on our email.
If you send us a photograph we will organise a special badge for you when we all come back.
22nd April
Time Capsule:
You might want to make the "my favourite place" picture with your family and keep it in your room or you could complete the time capsule project and add it to that.
International badge:
1. Make a model of a famous place in either your country or another , this could be made for example out of junk / recycling or lego
2.Try 2 new foods from a different country, these might be different fruits or vegetables .or a dish, that you or a member of your family have made