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Beavers Summer Programme 2020

14th Andover (Stockbridge) Beavers Summer Programme 2020

Welcome to a slightly unusual term for Beavers.

The Beaver Team will be sending ideas and challenges for you either every week or every other week (depending on what they are).  You do not have to do any of them. They are only there if you would like to do them and you have time. We know it is a hard time for all of your family, and everyone can be very busy and tired.

If you do make or try anything please do ask someone to take a photograph and send it to us.  We would love to see your efforts.

Thank you Beavers . At times like this its important to remember your Beaver promise.


15th July

Dear Beavers

Time has gone quick and we're at the end of the school term for some of you or next for others. This week your challenge is global issues.

Well done those of you who have completed some of the challenges we set you over the last few weeks; and a big thankyou to all who have sent in photos of your creations and activities - lots of sleepovers pictures ! We would like to share these with you all and also put them on the website is everyone happy with that - let me know.

Please could you let us know if you have done any badges - or planning to do them over the summer holiday and I'll make sure that we have ordered suffiecent badges for you - I do need replies!

So what are we planning? If you have a brother or sister in Scouts or Cubs they may have mentioned how we are looking to get back to face-face Scouting when the Scouting Association allow us. That sounds easy - but its not quite so, we need to wait for the situation to turn from red-amber -yellow -green. Cureently in Amber when we get to yellow we will look to start meetingss - Green is our normal level.

The meetings won't be as they used to be, currently the rule is a max of 15 children - (this may change) lots of rules for the Hall and social distancing and lots of paperwork for us leaders which needs to be signed by our exec and by District. Yes its looking like a nightmare.

We want you to have the same experience we could give you before lockdown and will do our best to give you a fun and challenging programme. If we start back in September I would expect us to be outside - alot, there are loads of things we can do but I may need your parents to help us. like kite flying!

Your challenge is

  • Fairtrade - it has a funny little symbol  - it means that the people producing the ingredients or the food are paid a decent wage for making it..
  • - Draw & colour the symbol - & look through your kitchen and find it - or when you go shopping , what is the most common food you can find with it on?
  • Endangered animals - draw an endangered animal - tiger rhino polar bear, gorrilla, or turtle - there are more
  • Why are they endangreed - hunting caught in nets loss of home due to global warming?
  • Drinking water - You have this on tap - does everyone ?
  • make a water filter using cotton wool, pebbles and kitchen roll try making a water filter in a old drinks bottle.

See you next week Beavers  be kind and help your parents

Have fun

Bagheera & Hedgehog


8th July

Hi Beavers

Here is this weeks challenge for you to complete over the next few weeks - as many times as you like:

icon Plant pressing and badges

If you could let us know what badge work you have done - or hope to do we can make sure your badges are ready.

Bagheera & Hedgehog


1st July

Dear Beavers

Your challenge this week is to  -   Go Tracking!

Go Tracking with your family – you need 2 adults to help you – ask Mum or Dad – lay a trail around your garden or where you go walking.

icon Lockdown Week 9 Tracking - Beavers

You will need

  • the instruction on this sheet
  • some chalk   or  twigs  or bundles of grass, or stones – pebbles or large
  • 2 teams of people
  • An adult if you go outside your garden or your older brother / sister

First lay a trail for the other team to follow – use the symbols as you lay the trail and lay symbols where they can be seen – leave them out of the way where they can’t be knocked by other walkers

Leave symbols at regular intervals so the others know they are on the right trail.

Remember to leave the finished sign

Meet up with the other team and swap – you read their trail and they follow yours !

Swap notes at the end – who had the best signs, who got lost?


  • Adult supervision is required
  • When you finish – YOU MUST WASH YOUR HANDS.


Please take photos of the your tracking signs – we can try this again when we all meet up.

You can pace yourselves and do as much or as little as you want. If you do part or all of the work please take photos and share with us on this address - address to Beavers! The activities are absolutely optional and cover a range of abilities.  Please stay safe and well and try to help your parents, as you will need their help with some of the ideas.  Enjoy & we look forward to seeing & hearing what you get up to.

Bagheera & Hedgehog


24th June

Dear Beavers

This week is Insect week  & your challenge this week is to go on a bug scavenger hunt

-using the attached identification sheets go on a scavanger hunt in your garden and see what you can find.

icon Lockdown Week 7 Insect week

You will need

  1. clear plastic pot with lid WITH tiny holes in it or muslin top
  2. old white pillow case or tea towel
  3. identification sheets  atteched to email
  4. magnifying glass & or camera/ phone

Go to an area of your garden with longish grass

  • Lay you teatowel or pillow case down beside the plants your're going to investigate
  • Gently brush the tops of the plants without breaking the stems
  • Quickly pick up or upturn the pot over the fast moving insects
  • identify these and then tlook at the slower moving ones
  • Make a count of what you have seen
  • Take pictures if you can

Move to a different area of the garden and do the same

Are the insects the same type ?

Please RELEASE the insects back into the garden where you found them - they will be unhappy trapped in a pot overnight; and I know Mummy will be unhappy with them on the kitchen floor in the morning.

You can pace yourselves and do as much or as little as you want. If you do part or all of the work please take photos and share with us on this address - address to Beavers! The activities are absolutely optional and cover a range of abilities.  Please stay safe and well and try to help your parents you will need their help with some of the ideas.  Enjoy & we look forward to seeing & hearing what you get up to.

Bagheera & Hedgehog

10th June

Dear Beavers

Please ask your Mum (not your Dad to help you with this!)

Sunday 21st is Fathers Day and we would like you to make a speacial cake for your Dad (or Grandad, uncle). We would like you to practice this before the Sunday.

Cake in a Mug


4 tbsp self raising flour (must be level) (or plain flour with pinch of baking powder)

4 tbsp caster sugar

1 tbsp cocoa

2 tbsp whisked egg –whisk this in a cup  before adding to mug

3 tbsp milk

3 tbsp oil

handful of chocolate chips drop of vanilla flavouring (or your chosen flavouring) or a few coloured sprinkles

2 mugs – not best china – must be microwave proof

1. Make sure the mug is greased especially the base otherwise it will be hard to wash up.

2. Add all the dry ingredients to one of the mugs and mix with a fork.

3. Add the egg and combine well. It will get very thick but needs to be mixed well.

4. Stir in the milk and oil.

5. Add the chocolate chips and vanilla or the sprinkles and stir well.

6. Microwave in a 1000w oven for 3 mins or 4 mins in a 700w oven. The mixture will rise over the top of the mug but quickly collapse once the heat stops. – use oven gloves


Please take photos of your cakes and send them to us - at the Stockbridge address

For next weeks meeting I'll be posting you a present for your Father (Grandad or uncle etc), please could you check you address on your OSM  profile and let me know if it is wrong

Enjoy your cooking

Bagheera & Hedgehog


3rd June

Dear Beavers

Please have an adult with you when you do this!

Your challenge this week is to

Pond dip – observe the wildlife in a pond, or water butt. If you don’t have a pond or water butt in your garden, you can set up a small water tub and pond dip weekly to observe how things change. – things will change shape, grow and fly away!

You will need a clear plastic tub (mug size), string to tie around the tub to scoop up water and a white dish or washing up bowl to place the ‘scooped water & creatures’ into for identification, you may want a white spoon. All bowls, tubs, dishes & spoons etc must be clean and soaked in water first to remove traces of washing up liquid and dishwasher detergent.

icon Sheet1 pond dipping

icon Sheet2 pond dipping

If you are setting up your own water tub you will need a clean and rinsed bucket (or something that size). Fill this with rain water (if possible) or drinking tap water, and leave in a cool and shady area of your garden – keep away from places pets may fall into.

  • When you finish – YOU MUST WASH YOUR HANDS.
  • When you start - wash your hands & rinse them to remove traces of soap.
  • Do this when the day is cooler or the sun is not on your pond or water butt
  • Wear gloves if you have some
  • Tie the string around the scooping tub
  • Place the dish or bowl close to the side of the pond – so if you knock it over the creatures will survive.
  • Dip the tub into the pond and scoop out some water and place it in the white dish/ bowl.
  • Look for wriggly things & try to identify them, use the spoon if needed.
  • Gently return the creatures into the pond.
  • Dip into a lower or different area of the pond & find different things
  • If you have set up your own water tub / bucket – leave the water for a week
  • After a week look into the bucket and dip if you can see ‘stuff’ in there, or wait a few weeks and watch how things appear and grow
  • Don’t keep the creatures in the bowl for too long – 10mins max as they will use up their oxygen and also warm up in the heat.
  • Try to avoid putting your hands in the water or  touching the creatures  – the soaps we use are harmful to them – and they are easy to squish
  • Don’t stir the water with the spoon – you’ll make them dizzy.
  • Finished ? NOW GO & WASH YOUR HANDS & spoon, dish etc

Please take photos of the creatures you find even if you can’t identify them – we can try when we all meet up again

You can pace yourselves and do as much or as little as you want. If you do part or all of the work please take photos and share with us on this address - address to Beavers! The activities are absolutely optional and cover a range of abilities.  Please stay safe and well and try to help your parents, as you will need their help with some of the ideas.  Enjoy & we look forward to seeing & hearing what you get up to.

Bagheera & Hedgehog

20th May

Dear Beavers and Parents

Your challenge this week is to

-Learn 3 knots and make a shelter - using a sheet or tarpulin using the 3 different knots, You will need short lengths of spare rope, twine, wool etc

learn the knots using the attached document . icon Beaver 3 knots

  • reef knot    - all Beavers Cubs and Scouts know this - it joins ropes of different thickness together  -GRANNY knots DO NOT count and MUST be undone!!!   - the reef knot is on purple badge on your uniform.  (difficult for some - a granny knot won't look symmetrical)
  • loop knot   - overhand loop knot - this is handy for threading through itself or joining ropes together - (really easy)
  • stop knot   - overhand knot        - this stops things sliding aginst it - thread through holes / eyelets  - (as above but no loop in rope)

Join the lengths of rope etc together to make longer lengths. Give them a gentle tug as you go and make sure they bear weight

Use old sheets, blankets or tarpaulin and tie the ropes onto the corners/edges of the sheet - you may want to make a simple knot in the corners of the sheet to allow your rope to grip it.

Construct a shelter using your sheet / blanket/ tarpaulin so that you can make a bed under it - tie to door handles of wardrobe, table or bed legs, cupboards (chairs may fall over) and check it does not fall down. - Parents  please supervise this so they are safe.

Sleep over in your shelter - If you make this inside you can make up your camp bed using a sleeping bag or duvet & sleep underneath it - again parents make sure it's safe to sleep under please. You can use duvets and cushions if you don't have a sleeping bag.

Please take photos of the knots to show you learnt them & of your shelter if you make one.

You can pace yourselves and do as much or as little as you want. If you do part or all of the work please take photos and share with us on this address - address to Beavers! The activities are absolutely optional and cover a range of abilities.  Please stay safe and well and try to help your parents you will need their help with some of the ideas.  Enjoy & we look forward to seeing & hearing what you get up to.

Bagheera & Hedgehog


13th May

Dear Beavers & parents,

Your challenge this week is  - Beaver fun run or walk.

Here is this weeks e'meeting with things for you to do over the next week and month. You can pace yourselves and do as much or as little as you want. If you do part or all of the work please take photos and share with us on this address - address to Beavers!

The activities are absolutely optional and cover a range of abilities.

Please stay safe and well and try to help your parents you will need their help with some of the ideas

Enjoy & we look forward to seeing & hearing what you get up to.

The weather is improving, daylight lasting into the evenings.

Restrictions on Lockdown movements have relaxed slightly and so this week we hope to get you out and about with Mum or Dad. You do not have to leave home you can do this in your garden!

If you do leave home, Social distancing rules still apply – stay 2m apart from others you pass on the way -who are not in your household, avoid crowds, and only go with people from your household. You should stay close to home – to avoid accidents and putting the NHS at risk.  Please don’t drive or stop to talk to others – we are still in lockdown – but you are allowed to go out for exercise. Choose a quiet time when there will be less people about.

But remember you MUST NOT meet up with your friends & family or anyone outside of your home.

If you can & only if safe to do so with another adult in charge do approximately 30-60 mins.

  • Please dress in your Beaver top /school PE kit / trainers and go for a gentle run or walk (with your parents if you leave home).
  • Choose somewhere local           – a circuit around your garden – like Captain Tom

- the fields behind you.

  • How far can you run or walk & for how long?
  • Do as much or as little as you can and if you repeat this everyday or week – observe if this gets easier or if you can go further each time you go out.
  • Notice what is happening every time you go out
    • Look for 6 things and take photos or make notes
    • Change in trees & flowers, birds, sheep, lambs or calves or chickens at differnt time of the day?
    • Change in traffic car bikes and people
  • You could do somersaults or cartwheels – instead of walking or running, make an obstacle course or play tennis etc if you can’t or don’t want to walk or jog/ run.

This will count towards your Outdoor & Adventure Challenge badges



8th May

Dear Beavers

This activity is absolutely optional and can cover a range of abilities.  Please stay safe and well and try to help your parents  you will need their help with some of the ideas

Today May 8th is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day – Victory Day in Europe. 
It is the day when the second world war finished in Europe (Japan surrendered in August). It was a day of celebration and relief for everyone as the 5 years of war time had forced the whole country to live in a different way. Families were split up, as the men who could fight went off to fight in the war and those who couldn’t stayed home and formed the home guard. The women went to work in the factories building planes & making the bombs the armed forces needed, or they worked on the farms. Because we were at war the country was bombed and lots of families lost their homes or moved away from family and friends to be safe. It was a time when people were unsure of the future – 5 years was a long time, and there was not much money or food.

The end of the war was something to be celebrated.
Writing letters was the only way families and friends could keep in touch, phone calls were a luxury and not everyone had a phone, very few had a TV. Radios and letters were the only way you found out about what was happening in the world.  The postman coming twice a day was something you looked forward to.

Please write a letter to someone who is elderly and might be living alone. You need to write a proper letter or card and post it to them, it should be hand written, but if you struggle you can type it, or draw a picture. - you do need to put it in an envelope, address it and pit a stamp on it.  If possible write to your grandparents, great grandparents or someone in your street who may have lived through the last World War (WWII).

In your letter please:
•    ask them to tell you about

- Do they remember VE day?

- How did they celebrate VE day?

- Something you don’t know about from during the war time?

- What was it like having ration books for food and clothing?

- What did they eat

- Were they hungry?

- What jobs did their parents do during and after the war?

- How is our lockdown different to their experience during the war?

•    Tell them about

- what you’ve been doing during your lockdown time at home,

- what you are missing-what you want to do when you finish your lockdown period.

•    let them know about something you have learnt during lockdown (how not to fight with your brother or sister?)


I hope you are all helping your parents and staying safe



6th May

Dear Beavers

Here is this weeks e'meeting with things for you to do over the next week and month

You can pace yourselves and do as much or as little as you want. If you do part or all of the work please take photos and share with us on this address - address to Beavers!

The activities are absolutly optional and cover a range of abilities.

Please stay safe and well and try to help your parents  you will need their help with some of the ideas

Enjoy & we look forward to seeing your creations

This week we are going to Camp indoors and look after an animal

Camp indoors

  • at the weekend you need to prepare a camp bed indoors and slleep in it overnight
    • this could be on your bedroom floor or maybe in the sitting room - it must be somewhere safe and indoors
    • lay out your sleeping bag on a bedding roll or wrap your duvet around you with some blankets underneath
    • please take a picture of before and after you have used your camp bed

Animal friend

  • Please look after a pet or animal for 4 weeks
    • if you dont have a pet you can look after the birds in your garden or study the woodlice or a spider and her web maybe
    • you must know how to feed & water them -feed birds with bird seed and leave clean water or bird bath out for them or watch what the spider eats
    • learn what they like and dont like
    • PLEASE DO NOT bring outside animals inside - they will be unhappy and die - if they dont escape first-
    • keep a diary or make notes or take photos

Enjoy your sleepover & you MUST go to sleep (Alice) & please remember to be kind to each other and your animals



29th April

Dear Beavers

I have attached a list of things for you to do over the next week or term.

You can pace yourselves and do as much or as little as you want. If you do part or all of the work please take photos and share with us on this address - address to Beavers!

The activities are absolutly optional and cover a range of abilities.

Please stay safe and well and try to help your parents  you will need their help with some of the ideas

Enjoy & we look forward to seeing your creations



Time Capsule:

You might want to make the "my favourite place" picture with your family and keep it in your room or you could complete the time capsule project and add it to that.

icon Time Capsule

icon Lockdown Week 1 Builders badge

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