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Scouts Summer Programme 2020

14th Andover (Stockbridge) Scouts Summer Programme 2020

Welcome to a slightly unusual term for Scouts.

The Scout Team will be sending ideas and challenges for you either every week or every other week (depending on what they are).  You do not have to do any of them. They are only there if you would like to do them and you have time. We know it is a hard time for all of your family, and everyone can be very busy and tired.

If you do make or try anything please do ask someone to take a photograph and send it to us.  We would love to see your efforts.

Thank you Scouts . At times like this its important to remember your Scout promise and law.


17th Jun

Dear All,

I hope you had a good weekend and are all well.

We've decided to make a video where we all throw a toilet roll (new and unused) to one another.  So it would be great to do this this week.  You will need 2 helpers, a new toilet roll, a smart phone or similar device to record your short video, and please wear your necker.  Get one helper to record and the other to stand outside of the shot and throw the toilet roll to you. Throw the toilet roll out of shot in a different direction.  Please do this a few times catching from and throwing to different directions.  Its probably best to do this outside but please feel free to add any tricks or props to customise your bit.  Please email your videos to me by the end of the week if you would like to take part.

Online scout manager has been updated to make it easier to see what badges you have completed, what badges you have partially completed, and how to finish all the requirements at home.

Please have a look here on OSM to see what badges you may like to complete at home.  If you need any help just let Mark know.

Best regards


PS. I have got some flowers out on my Dahlias.  Any body else?!

16th May

Good morning all.

I hope you all slept well last night wether you camped out or not. Thank you for your camp photos. Please see them attached.

I was awoken in the night and opened my eyes to see the silhouette of an owl sat on the fence just a couple on meters away. Amazing!

We are camping out again tonight. Have a good weekend.



11th May

Dear Scouts

Hi there, how are you all this week?

I hope you and your families managed to enjoy some sort of socially distanced VE day celebrations this last weekend, and enjoyed an extra day off schooling.  We were very much moved by the stories of some of those who lived through the war, and the film clips of the celebrations from 75 years ago. We celebrated with scones, jam and clotted cream and a BBQ with marshmallows on special social distancing two metre long hazel sticks!

As always, I'd love to see some of your photo's of your families celebrations if you have time to ping any across on email.

This weekend coming, we should have been on our Scout camp in the New Forest.  Typically, the weather looks to be sunny and dry, and I was looking forward to canoeing on the idyllic Beaulieu River and spending time with you all.

We are currently tentatively hoping it might be possible to reschedule in early October, but so much depends on what happens before then. Fingers crossed. If not then, we shall look forward to seeing how many of you we can get wet in the river next year!

So, my challenge to you all if you would like to, is to find somewhere in your house, other than your bed, to 'camp' out for the night this weekend. If you have a tent, and a garden big enough, you could camp outside if your adults are happy to let you. Or you could make a nice cosy den somewhere inside.  The Stockbridge Explorer group have already done this challenge, and Scout groups all over the world are being encouraged to be inventive with 'camping at home'.  This will count towards your 'nights away' badge, and we would love to see some photo's . . .

One final thing is that I would like to try a Zoom meeting next Monday for those who would like to join. I hope to start at 7.30 for about 40 minutes. Many groups or Scouts, Cubs and Explorers are meeting via Zoom, and the Scout association has produced comprehensive guidance for using the platform which I have watched and digested. There will be several of the usual Scout leaders (all DBS checked) helping me to keep an eye on things as well, and if you have any concerns about your child using Zoom please do get in touch. I will send the log in details nearer the time.

Stay safe, best regards,



4th May

Dear All

I hope you are all well and have had a good week despite the rain.

I know many of you are snowed under with schoolwork, and there seems still so much to do, even in lockdown. But we were struck by the wise words of one of our children's Headteachers at the start of this time. He said that :-

" What our children need now is to feel comforted and loved . . . so play outside, bake biscuits and paint pictures, play board games, watch movies, and read together. Snuggle under warm blankets and do nothing. At the end of all this, their mental health will be far more important than their academic skills. How they felt during this time will stay with them long after the memory of what they did during these weeks is gone."

We listened to a live stream from a church this weekend which talked about the importance of being creative in order to relieve stress and anxiety. In younger children, play is especially important in helping their brain to process what is happening, but in older children and adults, being creative is often the best way to express emotions and deal with what is happening around us. It opens up something in us. Creating relaxes and soothes us.

So the challenge this week is to get creative.  Being creative can take many forms - choose anything you like from drawing, painting, collages, cookery, building, gardening, woodwork, sewing, lego, pottery, plasticine, flower arranging, origami, writing and many more!  Use your imagination and try something new or go with what you love.  Remember to ask a parent before you get started.  If you get creative and are able to send me a photo to share that would be grrrreat.

News from the Cara and Luca - Lots of cycling and running errands for the local vulnerable. Walking, monopoly and drying hair. See the attached photos. All that exercise - brilliant!  Happy birthday for Thursday Luca!

Remember to keep being thankful.  I am thankful this week for a new song being sung by churches around the world.  Click here to listen and watch The UK Blessing . I am also grateful for the little message that came from Care-for-the-family this weekend.  It is attached for you parents.

Do keep in touch, I'm here if you need any help, keep going, we will get through.

Bless you



28th April

Hi Scouts,

Lovely to hear some of your news. I promised I'd share some of what you've been up to with the troop, so here are some photos and news.

As I said last night, there is absolutely no pressure at all, its just lovely to hear from you as and when you've got time.

Hi mark I have got some great news We have got a puppy called Rosie.
She is very playful and loves hugs

My seeds have grown and we have got 2 new chickens!



27nd April

Whistle blast, whistle blast.

In the horseshoe please

Troop, troop alert.

How is everyone doing?  What have you been up to?  Has anyone got anything that they would like to share with the troop? If you have (which would be really, really great) do ping me an email and I will share it.

Hands up if you had some Dahlia seeds delivered.  Hands up if you have planted these dahlia seeds.  Hands up if your seeds have come up.  That's amazing, brilliant, well done!  Please take a selfie or get someone to take a photo of you, wearing your necker, with your seedlings!  I would love to see them and I can share the photos with the troop.  I would like to make a photo collage showing you and your dahlia journey. If you haven't got any seedlings for what ever reason please please don't worry.  Lots of my seeds don't germinate, too wet, too dry, dodgy seed, seeds still in the packet!  Hands up If you haven't got any dahlia seedlings and you would like some, ping me an email and I will send you some.  No, honestly its fine I have loads that need a good home.

I have been going back through some photos and am trying to sort out some Scout ones.  I will endeavor to get them uploaded somewhere so we can all have a look and a laugh at some of our pre lock-down Scouting escapades.  Tony, I may need your help.........ok, I will need your help!

I have been sent through many possible tasks and ideas to entertain our Scouts from the Scout association, but I am conscious that, while some people may be feeling under control and would like this, there are others of us who are only just about juggling schoolwork, housework and our usual work as it is, without anything more to think about in our bulging inboxes.

The information on Badges can be found here if you are interested, Please do email me with what you would like to do and I will do my best to help you if you need any more guidance. But please do not worry if you are feeling stretched as it is. There is so much extra pressure to join in with all sorts of things online at the moment, and the last thing I want to do is add to this.

I will be setting little challenges for you during this time if you would like to try them, but please just join in with Scouts as much as you are able to and want to. And for all of you, and your parents, we want you to know that what ever you do or don't do right now that you are ENOUGH, just as you are, even if things aren't going perfectly right now.



The attached was sent  to us last week, and it brought huge relief as we had been struggling to keep on top of things, and feeling the pressures and expectations of the world. If you have time to read it, we hope you find it useful too.

Best regards


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