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2021 Cubs Summer Program

14th Andover (Stockbridge) Cub Scouts Programme SUMMER 2020


Please Remember - NO PARKING IN Grosvenor Car Park

Cubs, we need to ask you to help us, when we start to meet back outside.  You need to help us remember, and keep reminding us,  that although we are all together again, and that is really really exciting,  we really do need to try and keep some distance from each other where possible.  We know you are all really good at remembering things so you need to help us poor leaders who forget, because we are soooo old.  You also need to keep reminding us that we all must keep either washing our hands or using hand sanitizer to help keep us all safe.

You also need to remember that if you or anyone in your house is not feeling very well (even if you don't think that it is Covid)  that you wont be able to come to cubs that week.  This is really important because we want to keep the cub pack running and everyone safe.   We would miss you the week that you wouldn't be able to come, but we know that you understand the reasons why it would not a good idea for you to come,  and you would be doing your best to look after us all.





28th April

Fire Lighting

HQ – wear a sparkproof coat

5th May

Raft making


12th May


Drop off Goodworth Clatford village hall. Pick up Bishops Mitre Pub Chilbolton

19th May

Knife Skills


26th May



2nd June

Camp Cooking


9th June


TBC Andover for all the family – early start

16th June

Father’s Day

no daddies to help this week

23rd June

Bushcraft Skills with nettles

Bring a pair of rubber gloves and some old tall nettle plants

30th June

Camp Set Up

Pony Field, Parents please stay.  No uniform. Bring a drink and your own mallet

7th July



14th July

Messing about in the water

Meet in Wherwell, Pick up Chilbolton.  Bring a towel and shoes to go in the water




Advanced Notice

2-4th July

Summer  Camp

Pony Field , Wherwell £30 TBC

19th – 21st Nov

Winter Camp

Isle of Wight cost approx £90

We will be outside for this term so make sure you have a coat, and appropriate footwear every meeting but especially if the weather looks cold or rainy

Cubs run from 6.45 – 8.15pm, unless otherwise stated.  Please pick up and drop off inside the hall

The programme may have changes at short notice as we are waiting for some things to be confirmed

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